NHS Health Check eBulletin

NHS Health Check StARS framework

PHE has worked with key partners to develop a systems approach to raising standards in the delivery of the NHS Health Check programme (StARS).

The StARS framework draws on advice and standards from existing national guidance. It brings together criteria into ten themes from leadership and planning to commissioning and the delivery of the risk assessment and management.  It also adopts a systems approach, with the involvement of key internal and external partners at the heart of the process. This means that using the framework provides:

  • an opportunity to review and reflect on the local delivery of the NHS Health Check programme, to identify gaps and recognise achievement
  • a baseline against which you can compare future activity and demonstrate progress
  • an opportunity to raise awareness of the programme with internal and external stakeholders
  • a legitimate reason to begin a conversation about the NHS Health Check and establish new relationships
  • elected members with assurance that legal obligations have been met

 Some other benefits identified by local authorities that have used the StARS framework include a:

  • checklist for developing a new service specification
  • reason for engaging GPs in a constructive and meaningful discussion
  • lever for raising the profile of the NHS Health Check among local authority executives and elected members
  • legitimate reason for undertaking a service audit

 To learn more about the StARS framework and to book on to the required one day training, contact your PHE centre lead or Katherine.thompson@phe.gov.uk


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