NHS Health Check eBulletin

High blood pressure 18 months on

Eighteen months on from the launch of the Blood Pressure System Leadership Board’s shared ambition to improve the prevention, detection and management of high blood pressure, we have seen a number of initiatives put in place by our partners. The following highlights offer great opportunities to reduce variation in health outcomes and inequalities that are a consequence of high blood pressure:

  • a resource hub that brings together case studies, data and guidance to support local leadership on tackling high blood pressure. An example of a more recent case study is Dudley clinical commissioning group (CCG), which commissioned the use of Practice Based Clinical Pharmacists (PBPs) to provide leadership in general practice to improve the detection and management of hypertension
  • action learning events identified a number of innovative initiatives across many areas of England. For example, Cheshire and Merseyside’s cross-sector systems leadership approach to tackling high blood pressure offers a sustainable approach capable of delivering changes at a pace and scale
  • in January, the National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) in collaboration with PHE launched the Hypertension Profiles. These are important in helping each local authority and CCG understand where and how to focus their resources in detecting and treating high blood pressure
  • development of the blood pressure tool on NHS Choices. This tool helps people understand their blood pressure numbers and what to do about them
  • WeNurse twitter chat and Webinar events that have provided opportunities to build awareness and engagement on the importance of tackling high blood pressure with new audiences of health professionals






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